President Update

Some good news and updates for the community as reported by our MCA president.

Some good news for the community is that Murrumbateman will be getting its 4th playground in the next year or so.  Currently there are three small playgrounds in Murrumbateman. This new one will be an all-abilities playground and Yass Valley Council has decided it will be located on the historic school site.

With the selection of this historic site for the playground, MCA is advocating for the heritage aspects of the old school, schoolhouse and grounds to be preserved, restored and enhanced. There is currently no funding available for any building restoration or maintenance as part of this project.

Its a relief to see that since MCA’s active campaigning last year, culminating in the 4th May 2023 meeting with Councillors and YVC CEO, improvements are progressing at Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds.  MCA and other user groups participated in a Council Focus Group meeting recently to update the list of actions in the 2021 Recreation Grounds Strategy Plan. The Amenities building is completed but not opened yet as ancillary infrastructure works need to be done, expected by August/September. Dog Park is open. Good news is that Council has permission to use left over grant funds to install a new toilet block and to spray seal the ring road and parking areas (delivery date unknown).  

All of the Executive team have been very busy advocating for Murrumbateman in a variety of different forums and of course we are starting to gear up for our biggest event of the year – the Murrumbateman Field Days. This advocacy and our MCA events would note be possible without our wonderful volunteers, who give up their free time to make such a valuable and important contribution to our community. A big thank you to all who do so.