Becoming a Member Allows Your Views to be Represented And Supported

To effectively represent our community, we need your support through membership with the MCA.

We invite all residents of the Murrumbateman Region to join us. By becoming a member, you will stay informed, have your views heard, and be represented as part of our community. In return, we will continue to host events such as the Field Days, Men’s Shed, and local village markets, while actively contributing to the betterment of our local area.

We also encourage you to engage actively by:

  • Assisting with the operations of the Association.
  • Attending our bi-monthly meetings.
  • Participating in the community activities we organise and support
  • Volunteering your time for our events and activities.
  • Sharing your expertise to support our community volunteers.
  • Completing online surveys to provide feedback.

The MCA builds on the work of past members, striving to improve and evolve. Annual membership is just $20 per person.