MCA meet with Yass Valley Council

🌟 Working Together for Murrumbateman 🌟
Today the MCA met with the Mayor and Yass Valley Council executive staff for a positive and collaborative discussion about the future of our community. We raised a number of key ongoing issues that we know are important to residents, including:
📈 Strategic planning to ensure Murrumbateman’s growth is well-managed and supported with the right infrastructure.
🚸 Improving road safety and continuing advocacy for Barton Highway upgrades. — 🙂 feeling positive.
🏛️ Protecting and restoring our local heritage sites, like the Old School and Schoolhouse.
🏞️ Addressing the ongoing need for additional recreation facilities and open spaces.
We also provided updates on our key activities and recent achievements, including:
🎡 The Murrumbateman Field Days, which generated $100,000 in funds for local community groups through their catering and event services—many of these groups rely on the Field Days as their primary annual fundraiser.
🔥 Our successful grant funding for new BBQs and picnic tables at the Rec Grounds, set for installation in March. (By the way, if you’re available to volunteer to assist with this project, please get in touch!)
If you’d like to know more or discuss these issues please come along to our next public meeting at the Murrumbateman Public School on 20 February 2024 at 7.30pm or send us an email at