Congratulations to the Murrumbateman Field Days team who were successful in the NSW Regional Event Fund for a grant of $20K to promote the Field Days out of the local area. This will fund an enhanced publicity campaign, predominantly focused in the South Sydney/Southern Highlands area, with print, TV and radio campaign. It is a wonderful achievement for the team and required a lot of hard work to achieve.
Unfortunately we were unsuccessful in our recent grant applications for recreation improvements through the Heart Foundation and the NSW Government 2023 Clubgrants Infrastructure Grants Round.
The feedback from both of these grant processes was that they had a very high volume of applicants and the process was highly competitive. For the 2023 Clubgrants round the overall success rate was 10%.
We also applied for funding through the Yass Valley Council Community Grants program for much needed maintenance activities at the recreation grounds including painting of the hall exterior. Council advised us that these activities were better suited to be included through their Budget process. However, we are unclear if they have been included in Council’s recently released proposed budget and are seeking clarification on this.
We have our eyes on several other grants this year and would be grateful for any assistance from those experienced in writing grant applications.